Rec Camp

Unless noted, all photographs were provided by Terry Casey. If you have a photograph you would like have displayed here, please select “Contact Us” and drop me an email.


A white background with a black and white logo2010 – The original (non-decorative) entrance to the Rec Camp was further down the road on the left (off camera).
Official USAF PhotographA white background with a black and white logoDate unknown (The wooden docks were not built yet.)


5 August 2010A white background with a black and white logo
A white background with a black and white logo
A white background with a black and white logo
A white background with a black and white logo
Official USAF PhotographA white background with a black and white logo1966 – Aerial of Rec Camp -The area marked is where the above and next photograph was taken.
A white background with a black and white logoAugust 2010
5 August 2010 – Swimming Pool on the left, white building on right is marina (see above/below ovals).A white background with a black and white logo
Small child playground equipment is located behind the marina (white building).A white background with a black and white logoWhen you turn 180 degrees, you will see the below view (bottom left photo)
The water is on the left (off camera)A white background with a black and white logo
A white background with a black and white logo
To check out what it looks like now:,-100.4862854,373a,35y,180h,39.18t/data=!3m1!1e3,-100.4830013,237a,35y,227.81h,59.18t/data=!3m1!1e3