Unless noted, all photographs are provided by Terry Casey.
Official USAF Photograph
May 1977 – Metcalfe Gate (facing southwest) bowling center immediately across the street.
Official USAF Photograph
May 1977 – Still looking south/southwest on the right (off camera) are the bowling center, 1st CFCU, base theater, child care center, and gas station. The old HQ building would have been on the left side further down the street. At the end of this street would be the south gate leading to Chadbourne Street. The two story building in the background on right was temporary lodging. We stayed in them when we first arrived on 1 Feb 80. Destroyed to make way for more parking. Note on the back of the photograph reads: Pillars of gateway leading to Metcalfe family home, northwest corner, 4th St and Fort McKevitt Rd, Goodfellow AFB, Tex.
November 2009 – Metcalfe Gate (facing southwest towards bowling center; 1st CFCU; Base Theater)
Official USAF Photograph
May 1977 – Top photograph, looking east towards dorm areas and I am thinking that the Military Clothing Sales store is the white building on the right. Now, in 2009 – Bottom photograph, same view as above photo (looking east); new Chapel located far right
Both Official USAF Photographs
Date unknown Top photograph is facing west, looking at water tower. Bottom photograph is facing east.
Official USAF Photograph
November 2009 – Left photo – Another view of Metcalfe Gate (looking west) Date Unknown – Right photo – Official USAF Photograph The next photograph will show a plaque that explains what this “gate” is and the aerial will show the location of residence (off base) to the still standing “gate” on base.
Map data ©2014 Google
November 2009 – Plaque in front of Metcalfe Gate. The top right aerial was provided by Glenn Miller in 2007. The purple oval on the left is location of Charles B. Metcalfe’s residence. The other purple circle is where the gate on base is located.
2012 – This is what the Metcalfe estate looks like now. You can still see both of the two stone pillars, if you look close.
Top photograph provided by John Peterson
1972 – Metcalfe Gate – looking north towards old North Gate/Bell Street Then, in 2010 – Metcalfe Gate, to the left of the street sign, (looking north towards old North Gate/Bell Street)
2009 – Looking west; Old Officer’s Club now Event Center located behind memorial. Base housing is off camera down the street on the right.
2009 – Looking south; Bowling Center, Credit Union, Movie Theater will be on the right.
October 2018 – Looking west, a panoramic view of the memorial from a different angle. Western Winds Dining Facility is off camera on the right.
Taken at another different angle,Western Winds Dining Facility is now off camera on the left. Base housing begins at the far right. The old main street is down the hill in front of the cars. The brown brick building use to the 17th Training Group.
2009 – Memorial is located across the street from the old Officer’s Club – now Event Center.
The following two airplanes T-28A Trojan and BT-13A Valiant trainers are located in the park area along with the above memorial. Photographs were taken in 2009.
Map data ©2018 Google
Above screen capture can be seen at: www.google.com/maps/place/Goodfellow+Air+Force+Base/@31.4313264,-100.4134309,151m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8657ef080ddca78b:0xc9a364f931964bed!8m2!3d31.4359135!4d-100.4010915
The following T-6G Texas was photographed inNovember 2009 in the same park area as the previous two planes and the memorial; however, in 2011 this plane was moved to the HQ Norma Brown building.
2009 – This C-47A is painted/marked to depict an EC-47Q; outside new HQ.
2009 – RQ-1K Predator was dedicated 27 May 2009.
1 July 2009 Top Photograph – looking west; parade grounds, old chapel and water tower in background, dorms, and BX. The bottom photograph is looking south; towards Jacobson South Gate and Parade Grounds.
February 2012 – Top Photograph – Looking east, the Global Hawk was placed on display near the North Gate, across the street from CE and Building 530. Actually, I took this photograph in the parking lot of Building 530. You can see three individuals standing near the frame. Look at the long wing span. The water tower (right background) is near the fire training facility.
2013 – The middle photograph is looking south, the back of Bldg 525 and the RF-4C are shown. 2012 – Bottom photograph looking ESE, CE in background.
November 2009 – In front of Bulding 530 is display of SA-4 TEL Trainer and Pat Hand Radar Trainer. Then, in November 2014 – 5 years later and a look at the “pond” with water actually in it.
2010 – The RF-4C Phantom II was dedicated 27 July 1990. Building 530 is off camera on the right. Building 525 in background.
2010 – MiG-23 Flogger is on display outside Building 501. (No plaque available.)
2010 – Top photograph – The MiG-29 Fulcrum-A was dedicated July 1998. (Building 447 [Faculty Development] is shown behind the MiG.) Then, in 2013 – The MiG-29 was moved. See next photograph.
July 2013 – Looking south, the MiG-29 is now on display by east side of Bldg 519 (top photo); turning and looking NW, it is also by Bldg 525 (bottom photo).
July 2011 – Hotchkiss Guns 1-pounder displayed outside “USS Goodfellow”, the Navy Detachment.
July 2011 – Hotchkiss Guns 3-pounder displayed outside “USS Goodfellow”, the Navy Detachment.
July 2011 – Hotchkiss Guns 6-pounder displayed outside “USS Goodfellow”, the Navy Detachment.
2010 – The DOD Fallen Firefighters Memorial
2010 – Display of fire equipment on troop walk from dorms to fire school
2010 – Partial view of various fire equipment that align troop walk between dorms & fire training center.
2018 – Noticed that these two vehicles were moved from the above DOD Fallen Firefighters Memorial area.