Please check out the following link:
The six buttons will provide a wealth of information about Goodfellow buildings/streets and memorials. Once you select a button, you can then click on the different entries found in each button. Thank you to Chief Master Sergeant Tom Nurre for sharing this website with me.
If you have a photograph you would like to see displayed here, please select “Contact Us”.
NOTE: You can quickly search by using the Ctrl+F command.
Unless noted, all photographs are Official USAF Photographs
1936 (18 October) – Aerial view of Goodfellow Field location. Looks like intersection of Christoval and Chadbourne (old San Antonio Highway/old Hwy 87) near Angelo Christian School.
1940 (Autumn) – construction of cadet barracks
1940 – Two bachelor officers’ quarters under construction.
1940 – Landam Act Family Housing at Goodfellow Field.
1941 – Aerial view of Goodfellow Field
1941 (March) – Goodfellow Field, Advanced Flying School
Photograph provided by 1st Lt Rhea Johnson, USAF, Ret
1941 (June) – Construction scene at Goodfellow Field, Texas.
1941 (July) – Goodfellow Field, Advanced Flying School
1941 (July) – Goodfellow Field, Advanced Flying School
1941 (August) – Looking southeast (Avenue A)
1941 (September) – Construction of Goodfellow Field
20 Jan 1970 – Satellite Supply-Self Service Store – Tool Issue & Individual Equipment Bldg
1941 (November) – Goodfellow Field
1941 – Officers Quarters
1941 – Cadet Barracks
Official USAF Photograph
1 Nov 54 – I am assuming these “WAF” were assigned at GAFB. Please check out:–377620761.html
Photographs of the following building (at same location) can be viewed later in this section.
I am assuming this photograph was an Official USAF photograph. Angelo State had a large collection of base photographs on file so in Jan 2014 I acquired quite a few of the base and San Angelo areas.
Thank you to Jeff Kinlaw. He offers the following comment to clarify the above photograph. “The photo “Date Unknown” shows Texas Gov. Allan Shivers (center) greeting GAFB personnel onFeb 8, 1956, during a groundbreaking ceremony for an $8 million expansion program.”
1956 (March) – Aerial view of Goodfellow AFB showing proposed expansion of runways to accommodate jet aircraft.
1960 (when photo was taken) – was Consolidated Base Personnel Office in 1973. You can see another view at photo dated 20 Jun 77.
1960 – Commerical Transportation
1960 – Installation Group
1960 – Dining Hall
1960 – Another photograph with Mess Hall written on back. I am not sure if the bottom photograph is actually the inside of Building 71.
1960 – Base Barber Shop located by chapel During the 1950’s, this building was utliized as a soft ice cream outlet known as the Polar Bear. Would anyone happen to have a photograph of the Polar Bear?
1977 – Base Barber Shop was located close to Base Chapel.
Photograph provided by Jim Bohn
1961 – Base Stockade
Photograph provided by Jim Bohn
1961 – Looking north, Base Chapel would be off camera on the right.
3 September 2018 – James Artlip has graciously given me permission to post the following link from Facebook of a video he took in 1962.
Photograph provided by Harold Grubb
1962 – This was the classified 202 school compound. Terry added: “I have heard stories that music would play throughout the day over a loud speaker.” Below you will find more photographs of this building with its top floor removed.
1950’s? – 3545th USAF Hospital
1962 – USAF Hospital Waiting Area and Hospital Cafeteria
1960’s – Appears to be the Children’s Ward
Taken in 1973 (I think) Can anyone help me with the question-marked buildings? Please select “CONTACT US” and let me hear from you. Also, #2 use to be the Air Force 202 classified school complex in 1960’s.
To read what Anthony Karafelis wrote about the (?) under #4, go to Remembrances in main menu; do a find of:Concerning the photo taken in 1973
Also, to read what Carl Frentz wrote about this photograph, go to Remembrances in main menu; do a find of: On the shot
Photographs of the new, improved brick Base Clinic (at different location) can be viewed later in this section.

Newspaper Article Friday, May 29, 1964
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – Stockade
1964 or 1968 – Guard House (Looks like this is similar to a photograph above taken in 1961 but from a different angle.)
Late 1960s – Looking NNW,the old Gym on southside of base. Chadbourne Street would be off camera on the left.
November 1993 – still the old gym with new Arts and Crafts Center (brick)
Photographs of the new, improved brick gym (at same location) can be viewed later in this section.
Date Unknown (may be 1960’s) – Back of old fire station; flight line would be to right (off camera)
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – looking east towards Fire Station/Flight Line (Base Library is tallest building on the right.) See next photograph.
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – Base Library was located across the street from the Base Fire Station. Fire Station is the building at the end of the street (far left of photograph). See previous photograph.
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – Post Office
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – La Fonda Dining Hall
More photographs of La Fonda (at same location) can be viewed later in this section.
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – 202 School Formation
1970 – Lumber area by water tower (seen in previous photograph)
Official USAF Photograph (Mr. Allen Johnson)
Date unknown – Gas was 25 cents! When leaving the base using the South Gate, the gas station was located on the right.
Date unknown
20 Jan 70 – Base Exchange Service Station. Gas was $.28 9/10.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
June 2009 – Gas is $2.47 9/10 Base Education Office is on right. Old CBPO would have been behind gas station.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
November 2009 – You can see Burger King (behind the red vehicle). CBPO would have been behind you on right (off camera).
Official USAF Photograph (Allen Johnson)
1963 – Base Theater was located next to Base Chapel (at right)
Photograph provided by Joseph Molnar
1964 – Base Theater and Base Chapel
Taken sometime before 1964, photograph of enlisted barracks (when chapel steeple was repaired).
Photograph provided by Tom McCullough
1963 – Does anyone recall what this was? Do I see a playground slide?
Thank you to Jeff Kinlaw. “(Here is) a photo of Bldg. 342 Base Nursery and playground.The three-story brick building across 7thStreet and north of Nursery is Bldg. 401, 6940thSupport Group HQ and billets.I billeted there for one year (1964) before moving off base in Feb. 1965.”
Photograph provided by Ronald Firkel
Taken 1963-64 – Dorm (located close to Base Housing in background at right of photograph).
Photograph provided by Ned Crimmin
1964 – Dorm area. (Does it look as if the base pool is in the background?)
Photograph provided by Joseph Molnar
1964 – Any idea what this building was? On 14 Jan 2020, Carl Frentz replied: “It was the post office with my old dorm in the background.” Thank you Carl!
Photograph provided by Joseph Molnar
1964 – Facing west, partial view of Barber Shop and partial view of back view of Headquarters “E shaped” building.
Photograph provided by Joseph Molnar
1964 – Looking east towards flight line.
Official USAF Photograph (Allen Johnson)
Date Unknown – This hangar was turned into Commissary and BX. Then, destroyed when final construction was done to new brick BX and Commissary.
Official USAF Photograph (Allen Johnson)
1965 (or 1963?) – Old NCO Club (now a vacant lot) The photograph on the left is looking southeast. The photograph on the right is looking north.
1965 – Building 124 (the old NCO Club)
Photograph provided by Dan Riss
1965 – Looking north. I wish I had obtained this photo prior to the old chapel being destroyed; then I could have had the chapel as a reference in the next photo which was taken at a slightly lower angle. The entire street is now the Troop Walk that leads all the way to the Training Group buildings.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2009 – Looking north; street is now a Troop Walk. Arts and Crafts Center is brick building on left. Please note that this photograph (left of center) shows all six concrete poles to reenforce to drivers that cars are not allowed on Troop Walk.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2016 – Inside Arts and Crafts Center building
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
Photograph provided by Dan Bormann
1965-66 – Dorm photograph taken on a Winter day. – Looking west
Photograph had 1984 on the back but I wonder if maybe it looked the same as in the mid 1960’s. The old NCO Club (previous photographs) is now a parking lot for dorm residents. The hangar is now the Carswell Field House (more photographs to follow).
I am wondering if this was an aerial photograph taken before 1975?
I received the following from Richard A. Haycook:
“Hi Terry
This photo (above) might have been dated as shown but it appears to show an area where I lived and trained.
I can’t be certain because the landscape there has changed but…to the right of the Motor Pool are the old wooden barracks — I lived in the “Rabbit Patch” which was across the street from the motor pool. That was Dec63-May64 when I was at 292X2 school. I recall the 6948th(?) mobile units staging there prior to a deployment. The 4 rectangular buildings in front of “common block training” would be where I went to classes…the guard shack is to the left of them. My orderly room (6943rdSS) might be the brick building to the right of 407. However that might have been a dorm for another squadron at the time. I vaguely remember it being a brick building but most of them at that time belonged to 202/203 trainees so I’m not entirely sure.” To read more from Richard, please go to Remembrances and search for his last name, “Haycook”.
Official USAF Photograph (Mr. Allen Johnson)
Date unknown – Building 407, the Airborne Maintenance and Linguist Training Facility. Today this area is a parking lot for the new Headquarters building (located now off camera on left).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey 
2010 – These two murals were taken from Building 407. These two murals(MiG and RC-135)now adorn Building 448. They were originally painted on two portions of one of the walls in Building 407 by an A207X1 instructor. When Building 407 was razed, the walls were actually taken out in one piece and transferred to Building 448
Photograph provided by Herbert Archer
1966 – Army Security Agency (ASA) Goodfellow Detachment (fire station background on right)
Photograph provided by Herbert Archer
1966 – Army Security Agency (ASA) barracks area
Photograph provided by Herbert Archer
Photograph provided by Herbert Archer
Photograph provided by Herbert Archer
The building on the far right used to be flight operations, classified classrooms, then Education Center.
Photograph provided by Ron Coughenour
Photographs taken between May to November 1967 Dayroom building.
Photograph provided by Ron Coughenour
Photographs taken between May to November 1967 Ron wrote: “The barracks building is the “animal barracks”. There were two buildings all by themselves off of the large field. You can see them in the one photo – two barracks kinda by themselves. I think they were near the main gate.”
Photograph provided by Ron Coughenour
Photographs taken between May to November 1967 Ron wrote: “The interior picture is of my bunk bed and the other shows a buddy of mine who was reading.”
Photograph provided by Ron Coughenour
Photographs taken between May to November 1967 Ron wrote: “….the desolate landscape of San Angelo, Texas as seen from the balcony of the barracks.”
1968 – Looking west
Date Unknown – Concho Coral
Photograph provided by Glenn Miller
2008 – Concho Coral (now Contracting); at far left is current Event Center (old Officer/Enlisted Clubs)
1970 – La Fonda Dining Hall
1970 – La Fonda Dining Hall
1970 – La Fonda Dining Hall
1984 – La Fonda Dining Hall
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
(I think) 2009 – La Fonda is now Base Post Office and office space
1970s – Snack Bar was located on same side of the street as the Fire Station.
20 Jan 1970 – Satellite Supply Operations and Materiel Facilities
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
February 2012 – From where I am standing (looking south), Building 501 would be off camera on my left. Building 448 is behind the tail end of the plane. If I have my street correct, the old, old NCO Club would have been up this road at the top of the hill on the left side of the street.
1970 or later
1970 or later Another dorm complex On the opposite side of the building in the background would have been the wooden USAF Hospital.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – In the background is a different angle of same dorm area from previous photograph.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Additional dorms were added (same yard area as above photo on far left)
20 January 1970 Packing and Preservation Building
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Photograph provided by Terry
August 2009 – Carswell Field House gym annex
Bottom photograph provided by Keith Hyland1970 – Behind Dave Watton? on the left shows small doors into handball courts.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2009 – On left is now Base Auto Hobby Shop; on right now a small park; behind the white picket fence is China Beach (pool).
Photograph provided by John Peterson
Prior to 1972 – 6944th School Squadron
Mid-1972; O-2B aircraft
Date Unknown – Cessna 310, aka Bluebirds Please go to REMEMBRANCES to read comments from James Alverson, an ex-207X2.
Photograph provided by John Peterson
Prior to 1973 – Bowling Center
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Bowling Center
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Thede Bowling Center I wonder when the patio was enclosed?
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
12 December 2018 – I was picking up a prescription at the Clinic and it dawned on me that I never took photographs of the inside of the Bowling Center. This is the view when you first walk into the building. The next photograph shows room from different angle.
Behind you is a place to sit and eat (next photograph).
12 December 2018 – The above room is shown in the next photograph next to the Christmas tree in the background.
12 December 2018 – Taking in the entire Bowling Center from a different angle.
12 December 2018 – I was asked if I would post the menu.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Bus stop by North Gate with sign “Give a serviceman a ride.”
1973 – Building 501 was for classified training.
Carl Frentz wrote: “501 in 1962/63 was the TMO warehouse–one of only four brick building on base. I remember taking my hold baggage down there for shipment.”
Unknown date – Airmens Club by tennis courts on southside of base near flight line.
Unknown date – Inside the Airmens Club by tennis courts on southside of base near flight line.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Airmens Club
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Airmens Club
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Airmens Club
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2009 – Mathis Sports and Fitness Center located in about the same location as the old white wooden gym seen in earlier photographs.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Building 519 was under construction. Building 501 (brick building on right) was where I went for classified training; graduating from 202 school in November 1973.
Photograph provided by Richard Haycook
Richard Haycook commented: “A parade from 1964. Behind the lead group is the Drum and Bugle Corps . I was a member of that corps until May 64 when I departed to go overseas.
I wonder If there is someone who can identify the month/day of this parade
Hope this can be added to the collection and more info provided about it.”
20 Jun 77 – Change of command for 6940th Scty Wg front of Consolidated Base Personnel Office (CBPO).
Spring 1977 – Old Parachute-riging shop turned into offices and academic classroom
Spring 1977 – Old Parachute-riging shop turned into offices and academic classroom
Spring 1977 – Old Parachute-riging shop turned into offices and academic classroom. These three photographs are of Building 148X – Old parachute-rigging shop. Construction completed January 1941. After termination of flying training era, structure was used as an administrative office, academic classroom, etc.
1977? – I believe that this building was next to the Parachute-rigging shop (previous photographs) and used for Common Block classrooms
30 Apr 78 USAF Clinic Opened formally on 17 May 1978.
March 1979 – Primary Care Reception Desk/Waiting Area
March 1979 – Pediatric Waiting Area
March 1979 – Immunization Clinic
Photograph provided by Olin Boese (Standard TIMES)
11 January 1983 – Darrell Milstead of Lewistown, IL, works on his harness equipment as he calls it a day after working on the water tower installing some radio equipment for the base.
February 1992 – Reception Desk/Waiting Area was remodeled.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2009 – Lobby of the Clinic Where the TV screen is was where the large reception desk for Primary Care use to be located. (Please see previous photograph labeled: March 1979 – Primary Care Reception Desk/Waiting Area)
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2009 – Lobby of the Clinic Pediatrics clinic use to be straight ahead and to the right use to be large reception desk for Primary Care. Pharmacy is still on the left (off camera).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
In 2013, the Clinic was remodeled again.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
I believe the three photographs above were taken in 2013.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
March 2018 – I noticed that the sundial decoration was removed. Perhaps someone was using it to tell time and missed an appointment??
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2009 – Facing west, panoramic view of new Officer Base Housing construction next to clinic; library behind you.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
Personally, I liked the Base Housing sign in the top photograph better.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Louis F. Garland Fire Academy
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
April 2012 – New construction going up behind Building 530.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2013 – Construction by Building 530 is almost completed.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2013 – Bldg 527 – Snack Shack
Mid 1980’s Bldg 241 – 3480th TCHTG 3481st Sch Sq Unit Administration
Bldg 525 (SCIF) – Built in 1989. Entire building has raised floor. Houses Analysis and Reporting, targeting, crypto-maintenance.
Typical hallway in Bldg 525.
Typical conventional classroom in Bldg 525.
Typical computer-based instruction (CBI) classroom in Bldg 525.
Crypto-maintenance in Bldg 525.
Crypto-maintenance BSU collection and forwarding subsystems in Bldg 525.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Base Theater was almost across the street from old Headquarters; it still looks the same as it does here.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1984 – Base Theater still looks the same as it does here.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Batting cages were recently added next to the Base Theater.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
1973 – Goodfellow AFB Federal Credit Union between Base Theater and Thede Bowling Center.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Credit Union located next to Base Theater and Thede Bowling Center. 2014 – Office of Special Investigations now located at this site.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
12 December 2018 – New building by base fence.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
12 December 2018
Photograph provided by Google, Map data

Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2012 – New First Community Federal Credit Union with drive through lanes. Looking southwest, Cressman Dining Facility is off camera on left. This water tower is the one that was always here (built first).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
June 2009 – Old Library across the street from McGARR Pool (off camera on right) and Event Center (off camera on left). NOTE: Old Concho Corral that was on the same side of street as McGarr Pool would have been off camera on right).
1984 – Library (first view you saw when you walked in front door).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
June 2009 – This is the first view you see when you enter; front desk and student computers on left (off camera).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
June 2009 – Front desk
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
June 2009 – Looking south; rows of computers for anyone’s use. Way in the back is another hallway to your right that leads to conference rooms and Children’s section.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012 – Old Library (by Event Center and McCarr Pool) is no longer.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012 – Base Library was destroyed a few days? ago. How sad!The McGarr Pool is off camera on the right.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2010 – McGarr Pool The Base Library was behind you on the left (off camera).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Looking south
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2011 – Ground breaking began for the Consolidated Learning Center.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2011 – Ground breaking began for the Consolidated Learning Center.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
As of September 2012 Consolidated Learning Center is still not operational yet.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012 – New Consolidated Learning Center opens. It was hard to drive by and see another well known building be destroyed. Also, this was where the classified 202 school was located in 1960’s.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012 – Tour of the new Base Library (part of the Consolidated Learning Center). I didn’t take photographs of Education Center/Testing area.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012 – Went to the far back of library and took this photographlooking towards the entrance.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
18 December 2012 – I visited with some Intel casual students who were waiting for classes to start. Up in the tower on the second floor, this room is a break area (perhaps this will become the Internet Cafe I heard rumored about).
Top Photograph provided by Official USAF Photograph
Bottom Photograph provided by Terry Casey Driving on south Chadbourne Street heading to new South Gate – Jacobson Gate. You could be able to see the Lodge from this location (off camera on the right). See next photograph.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012 – The road next to the fence is seen at right. Paintball battlefield is off in the background.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
December 2012 – I took these photographs just looking through the windows. Must be using the Lodge for storage.
Early to Mid 1980’s
Mid 1980’s Bldg 114 – Photo Lab
Mid 1980’s Bldg 138 – Graphic Arts
Mid 1980’s Bldg 139 (maybe)
Mid 1980’s Bldg 330 – Faculty Development
Carl Frentz commented: “Was looking further and noted Building 330 as Faculty Development in Mid 80’s. That was originally part of the secure area for 202 school in the 60’s. That was the building that housed O Block, our final part of the course before graduating. Also note the incinerator to the right. That was where we were still taking burn bags to in late 70″s. Had the joy of supervising that detail once.”
Mid 1980’s Bldg 407
Mid 1980’s Bldg 433 – Fund for 307 course and Dial Switch Intercom phonesystem maintenance.
Mid 1980’s Bldg 434 – Tri-service maintenance training or AF 328s and other service equivalentson the AN/UYA-7 Digital Data Group (a secure message system).
Mid 1980’s Bldg 435 – Typing school laboratory for AF 202s, 208s, and tri-service equivalents.
Mid 1980’s Bldg 436 – High value soldering techniques for all tri-service cryptologic maintenance technicians. this course is a follow-on requirement for all maintenance students trained at Goodfellow. The next photo is taken inside Bldge 436.
Date unknown – Bldg 447 use to be common block classrooms for 202 training then became Faculty Development. Date unknown – In bottom photograph, interior hallway was added to the north side (as shown) to access the various classrooms.
1984 – When SCIF was fenced in, here was the turnstile entrance into the classified schoolhouse area – 501 to far left; 519 directly behind turnstile.
Date unknown When going through the turnstile, I always thought of going through a gate at a baseball game. I hated when it got stuck while turning – I smacked my face more than once. Shown are Buildings 501 (far left); 519 (center); 523 (far right). Next photograph below shows 501 (far left again) and 519 (by skyline) from a different angle with 448 (far right) and Fac D (by large tree).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
18 Jan 2018 – Driving around the base looking for deer, we noticed that there is no longer a street between Bldg 501/519 and Bldg 448/Fac D. If you go back to the previous photograph, you can see that there use to be a street and parking lot in front of entrance.
Official USAF Photograph
1984 – Education Center – Removal of the top floor that housed the previous Flight Operations. Photograph provided by Terry Casey August 2010 – Base Education Center is located close to new gas station. There are more photographs shown above that show the Ed Center by the new Library and then photograph showing Ed Center is gone.
1985 – Dorms and Barber Shop Row of public telephones (see black van on right) was in front of BX (next to Chapel) which is off camera.
1987 – Facing north is a look at the new troop walk being put in. Barber Shop is under the US flag in the top photograph and the Base Chapel is located (off camera on right) on other side of the white building. The bank of four public telephones are behind the large bush by same white building.
Another angle (Check out next photograph to see how this area looks now.) 1987 – Looking north; troop walk construction; old Barber Shop on the corner (next to car/tree)
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2009 -Troop Walk where Barber Shop use to be. Back of new Chapel is on the left. The old Barber Shop would have been on left side of Troop Walk about in front of the brick dorm building. The old Child Care Annex and old Chapel (both destroyed) would have been on the right side of Troop Walk (where the newly planted grass is). Please note that this photograph (center) shows three concrete poles to remind drivers that cars are not allowed on the Troop Walk.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Looking north, you can see the new Base Chapel on the left; turn 180 degrees and you are looking towards the south end of the Troop Walk (by the track/tennis courts).
1984 – Security Police building was very close (SE corner of base by flight line) to where old Airman’s Club was located.
1995 – Security Police building was very close (SE corner of base by flight line) to where old Airman’s Club was located.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
(I think) November 2009 – Communications took over the Security Police building.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
November 2009 – Security Forces is now located next to new Fire Station (behind this building off camera).
Date Unknown – Was Officer’s Club pool; later was redesigned and called China Beach. (The notation on the back of this photograph had no date but referred to it as China Beach.)
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
26 Aug 2009 – Now it is still China Beach. Looking north, on the other side of the white fence is now vacant lot, it use to be the NCO Club (Spy’s Nest); then Oasis Club, then destroyed.
Carl Frentz commented: “Going through some of your pictures, you show the old Officers club pool and the new China Beach pool, but state that the empty lot was the NCO club and then the Oasis. It was the Officers club that sat there first.”
1990’s?? – Oasis Club was close to old Base Headquarters (off camera on left). China Beach is off camera on right.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2008?? – Oasis Club
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2009 – Vacant lot where Oasis Club use to be. The new Base Chapel is off camera on the left.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2008 – Facing south, on the street (that old HQ was on) looking towards tennis courts and the back of Oasis Club.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Looking south, the Base Theater, old Credit Union, and Thede Bowling Center are (off camera) on your right.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2009 – 344th Military Intelligence Battalion (looking south)
Photographs provided by David Branch (Official USAF Photographs??)
17 April 1987 I am assuming that both photographs are of Building 530 located by the new North Gate. Angelo State had a large collection of base photographs on file. So, in Jan 2014, I acquired quite a few of the base and San Angelo areas.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
November 2009 – Western Winds is one of two current dining facilities. In 1973, this area would have been the base hospital/clinic and accompanying parking lots. Below – On the left is a dorm and the Post Office (which was the La Fonda Dining Hall in 1973).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
22 February 2016 – In the previous photograph it looks like the roofs were not on the circular pavilions.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
22 February 2016 – Western Winds Dining Facility
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
22 February 2016 – Western Winds Dining Facility
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
22 February 2016 – Western WindsDining Facility
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
22 February 2016 – Western Winds Dining Facility
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
As of August 2012, looking east, the new First Community Federal Credit Union is still under construction. Next door is the Cressman Dining Facility (same side of street as Angelo Inn and dorms. Looking east, I am taking the photograph in the parking lot of the gas station (behind me). The water tower is by the Fire Training Academy.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2010/2016 – Cressman Dining Facility located by dorms and Angelo Inn Lodging.
The following photographs were taken in February 2016. The Cressman Dining Facility was being remodeled.Photographs provided by Terry Casey.
10 July 2019 – Noticed an addition to Cressman Dining Facility. I took photos from different angles.
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
10 July 2019 – Crossroads Student Ministry Center
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2010? – Top Photograph was taken standing by the HQ flag pole looking NE. Security Forces is the brick building next to Fire Station (on far right). Water tower is at the Fire Training area. Bottom photograph (looking west) was taken by entrance to Security Forces’s parking lot (off camera on the right).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2011 – “USS Goodfellow” The Navy’s Center for Information Dominance (CID) Detachment
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
2011 – To check out the displays of Hotchkiss 1-, 3-, and 6-pounder guns found around the grounds of the CID, visit the Points of Interest tab in the Base Photos section.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
“Camp Goodfellow” the US Marine Corps Detachment moved from dorm building into single story building across from the Chapel’s Fellowship Hall/Crossroads. In 2013, the building was destroyed, I haven’t checked out where the Det moved to now.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2009 – Burger King is next to new Gas Station.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – School Age Program (located where old gas station was by the old south gate). The older Child Development Center is (off camera) on the right.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Child Development Center was located close to the old south gate and gas station.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Youth Center next to the Child Development Center (located where old gas station was by the old south gate).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – This is the view of the Baseball Field 1 (I think) when you exit the School Age Program building (located where old gas station was by the old south gate). Legal Office was (off camera) on left. See next photograph.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Looking south, the Baseball Field 2 is located near the back fence. The water tower would be behind you (slightly to the left).
Back of photograph states 1974 or 1975. This is Building 910 – BOQ and VOQ. This photograph was “found” at theASU West Texas Collection that is currently (as of 2018) housed on the second floor of the Houston Harte University Center.
Date unknown – Officer Base Housing
1997 – Commander Housing
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2010 – Commander Housing located next to Clinic
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2009 –Panoramic view of new construction next to clinic (facing west); library behind you.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
August 2010 – Many years ago this middle building (now Valor Inn) was the 17th Training Group (I think). McGarr Pool is to the left (off camera). You are looking west (the Clinic is back behind this Inn).
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Day Manor
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
Thorsness Manor
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2012 – Top photo – looking north while driving on what use to be one of the active runways. Bottom photo – large yellow painted on inactive runway. On the horizon (by water tower) is the Louis F. Garland Fire Academy.