If you have a photograph you would like to see displayed here, please select “Contact Us”.
NOTE: You can quickly locate a specific year by using the Ctrl+F command.
The following photographs show the changes to the front and back gates.
1941 – Air Training Command (ATC) for pilot training etc.
1958 – United States Air Force Security Service (USAFSS)
1978 – Air Training Command (ATC) again
1992 – ATC redesignated Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
For more information, please go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodfellow_Air_Force_Base (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Copyrighted photo provided by www.3973cds.com
Postcard of gate logo; date unknown (but prior to phase out of light blue WAF uniform)
Copyrighted photo provided by www.3973cds.com
Postcard of Old South Gate (top photo); Date Unknown
Permission has been granted to see more postcards of San Angelo. Please check out:http://www.txgenweb.org/postcards/sanangelo.html
Official USAF Photograph
Late 50’s, early 60’s North Gate (facing south; base housing on right) USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Photograph provided by Ronald Firkel
1963-1964 North Gate looking south; Base Housing on right USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Pages scanned by Terry Casey
Photograph by Terry Casey (from the Lawrence and Vera Koth estate)
Front cover of the 1959 or early 1960 Goodfellow Welcome booklet
Official USAF Photograph
1960’s South Gate
Photograph provided by Jim Bohn
1961 – South Gate (looking north) USAF Security Service (USAFSS); who(m)ever took this photograph was standing in the highway (Chadbourne Ave).
Official USAF Photograph
1963 – South Gate USAF Security Service (USAFSS); looking out towards Chadbourne Ave.
Official USAF Photograph
1966 – South Gate USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Postcard photograph (taken prior to 1973) provided by Terry Casey of old North Gate.I purchased this postcard in 1973 when I was going through 202 tech school (looking south; base housing on right).
2009 – old North Gate (looking south) Glenmore Elementary would be behind you up the street on your right.
Official USAF Photograph
1969 – South Gate USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Official USAF Photograph
1970 – South Gate USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Official USAF Photograph
1972 – South Gate USAF Security Service (USAFSS)
Postcard photograph provided by Terry Casey
Prior to 1973 North Gate; I purchased this postcard in 1973 when I was going through 202 tech school (facing south; base housing on right).
Photographs provided by Terry Casey
1973 – North Gate (looking north) Top left photo 2011 – Same location; gate is closed.
Official USAF Photograph (I think)
1973 South Gate
Official USAF Photograph
1978/79 North Gate
Official USAF Photographs
1978 – South Gate Air Training Command (ATC)
Official USAF Photograph
1985 – South Gate (notice the tail of plane at far left of picture)
Official USAF Photograph
Late 1980s – South Gate Goodfellow Technical Training Center Forgot about the plane at the old South Gate. (See next photograph.)
Official USAF Photograph
Late 1980s – South Gate Goodfellow Technical Training Center
Official USAF Photograph
Late 1980s – old North Gate (looking south). Base housing is on the right (off camera). Goodfellow Technical Training Center
Official USAF Photograph
Late 1980’s – South Gate Goodfellow Technical Training Center
Courtesy San Angelo Standard Times
1986 – South Gate
Official USAF Photograph
Prior to 2005 – TB-25N Mitchell by new South Gate; BX and Commissary on the horizon. Notice that the guard shack does NOT have the protective roofing in place. (I will try to get a clearer photograph.)
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
TB-25N Mitchell plaque
Official USAF Photograph
2005 – South Gate Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
Official USAF Photograph
2005 – South Gate Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
Photograph provided by Glenn Miller
17 Jan 2007 – TB-25N Mitchell at South Gate – Visitor Control Center; looking northeast. Yes, snow!
Gerard (Jerry) Ferris wrote to me: “Think, Glenn Rodgers mentioned it to me once and I had heard it before in the old NCO Club. (My drunken butt may be in the bushes in one of the old photos by the way.) Anyway, the story goes that Doc Holiday was going past the plane (B-25 above/below) and noticed the tail number. Story goes that he flew on that very plane many years ago and had to jump out of it during some action. The pilot saved the plane but wasn’t much left of it. Also, Doc was supposed to be the second highest decorated NCO in the USAFSS after Korea. The highest decorated was a guy named Clu Culliger who went on to star in some movies. These could be just some old bar stories but there is some truth in all of the legendary drinkers stories from USAFSS.”
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
23 December 2018 – After Mass this morning at the chapel, I stopped to take a photograph of the Unit Christmas cards. The Jacobson Gate is seen at the upper left.
23 December 2018 – I probably should have set my iPhone on Panoramic mode.
Photograph provided by Terry Casey
2009 – Leaving the Jacobson Gate (South Gate), heading to Chadbourne Ave