If you have a Goodfellow challenage coin you would like to see displayed here, please select “Contact Us”.
Unless noted, all photographs are provided by Terry Casey.
Elizabeth Nicole Jacobson – IN MEMORY OF A FALLEN HERO
Coin provided by Lew Casey
The USAFSS SCHOOL 1948-1979
Coin provided by Doug “Charlie” Millsap
United States Air Force Security Service
Photograph was taken by Larry Ross
Photograph provided by Ed Bendinelli This is a small card that was passed out with each coin sale. The front side of the card is the Goony in position in front of the new HQs building. The back side describes the coin.
Photograph provided by Ed Bendinelli
This is a small card that was passed out with each coin sale. The front side of the card is the Goony in position in front of the new HQs building. The back side describes the coin.
Photograph provided by Ed Bendinelli This coin was created for the dedication of the EC-47 which was held on 28 October 2005.
Photograph provided by GAFB Public Affairs Office
2005 (October) Dedication of a Memorial EC-47, seen with a few EC-47 crew members
Photograph provided by Larry Ross
25 July 2014 – This is a small card that was passed out with each coin sale. The front side of the card is the new EC 47 Exhibit inside the HQs building. The back side describes the coin.
25 July 2014 – This is a small card that was passed out with each coin sale. The front side of the card is the new EC 47 Exhibit inside the HQs building. The back side describes the coin.
Photograph provided by Larry Ross
Coin provided by Tom Nurre, CMSgt (R)
2019 (April) -Tom Nurre, CMSgt (R) presented this coin to me.
2019 (April) -Tom Nurre, CMSgt (R) presented this card to me.
Fixing the Enemy – Airborne Radio direction Finding
Intelligence Officer Course
315th Training Squadron
316th Training Squadron
ALL Training Squadrons
Chaplain Service
Chaplain Corps
Chaplain Corps for Outstanding Performance
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Community
Community College of the Air Force
Coin provided by Donna Marro
17th Medical Group Commander’s Coin
Coin provided by Donna Marro
Coin provided by Donna Marro
17th Comptroller Squadron – presented by the Commander for Excellence
Coin provided by Donna Marro
Coin provided by Donna Marro
Coin provided by Donna Marro
Presented by the Commander
Coin provided by Donna Marro
Donna was presented this coin from the new Wing Commander on his walk through.
Coin provided by Donna Marro
17 MDG
Coin provided by Donna Marro
2000 Annual Awards Banquet
Coin provided by Donna Marro
2002 Annual Awards Banquet
Coin provided by Donna Marro
17th Training Wing – 17th Medical Group
Coin provided by Donna Marro
17th Medical Group Commander
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Force Support Squadron
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Civil Engineer Squadron
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Civil Engineer Squadron
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Check out the difference in sizes!
Coin provided by Janet Miller
2009 AETC Symposium Ball
Coin provided by Janet Miller
2011 AETC Ball
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Security Forces Squadron (bottle opener)
Coin provided by Janet Miller
2002 17th Training Wing Annual Awards
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17 Support Group
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Communications Squadron
Coin provided by Janet Miller
2007 – ACE Armed Forces Committed to Excellence
Coin provided by Janet Miller
1996 Air Force Ball
Coin provided by Janet Miller
17th Communications Squadron Commander’s Coin for Excellence
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Air Force Pharmacy
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Commander’s Coin of Excellence
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Air Force Association Collector’s Series, P-51 Mustang
Coin provided by Janet Miller
Goodfellow Air Force Ball, September 12, 2008
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
Louis F Garland DOD Fire Academy
Coin provided by Franz Szakmary
Louis F. Garland Fire Academy
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
314th Training Squadron – Presidio of Monterey, CA
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
Company Grade Officers
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
Department of Justice
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
311th Training Squadron – Presidio of Monterey, CA
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
311th Training Squadron – Presidio of Monterey, CA
Coin provided by Gloria Haidinger
Check out the difference in sizes!
Coin provided by Janie Reyes
17th Training Support Squadron presented by the Commander for Excellence
Coin provided by Janie Reyes
Coin from the 17 TRG Commander Superior Performance
From the Commander 17th Training Group For Superior Performance 2009 – When I retired, I received a superior performance award for my 35+ years of combined military and civilian service. This coin was inserted into the award (below).